"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together"
Aboriginal rights group, Queensland, Australia
Lucy Jameson
I was born in London in 1976, and I now live in Sussex (SE England) with my partner Simon Lys and our two children.
I first came across IoPT in 2012, and have been working with and learning about the process of healing early trauma ever since.
From 2015 to 2018, I attended Vivian Broughton's IoPT Education Course in London, on which I was an apprentice (senior student) for two years.
I offer regular workshops using the Intention Method, as well as individual sessions, both online and in person. I was a practitioner at The Centre for Healthy Autonomy in London and now offer online introductory courses in IoPT as an independent facilitator.
In October 2018 I presented a workshop: 'Eating Disorders and Trauma' at the 4th International IoPT Conference "My Body, My Trauma, My I" in Munich, Germany. I also co-presented a workshop: 'Motherhood and Identity Development' at the same conference in 2016.
I have a particular interest in working with parents and carers, and in introducing the concept of early trauma - and its consequences - into the family home, to provide a safer, more loving environment for both parents and their children.
I am part of an international peer support group of IoPT practitioners, and I remain dedicated to working on my own early trauma, so that I can be a safer, more responsible person, parent & facilitator.